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What to Expect

Sundays | 10:30 AM

The easiest way to see what Harmony Springs is all about is to check us out on Sunday mornings @ 10:30 AM. We are about 100 strong - big enough that you won't feel uncomfortable checking us out for the first time and small enough that you won't get lost in the crowd. When you come there are hosts who would be happy to answer questions for you and/or show you around. 



Grab a cup of organic-fairtrade coffee, tea, juice boxes for kids, and sometimes a delicious treat someone brings in.  Connect to Harmony Springs free wifi - we won't scold you for using it.


The age-old question 'What do I wear?'

Most of us dress casual. Lots of us wear jeans, sandals (although you may get cold in January), shorts and tshirts. We are not fashion police - wear what makes you comfortable.


What is your gathering like?

There are no bulletins (we try to be as green as possible). We sing a few songs, read scripture, our pastor speaks, and we pray together. We invite all to participate in communion every Sunday. We usually talk about things going on, make some announcements, and then part ways. The gathering usually lasts for about an hour (we leave plenty of time to get to Panchos afterward).


Where do I unload the kids?

The good news is you don't have to if you'd rather stay together. We welcome children as a vital part of our gathering - baby noises and all. The beginning of our gathering includes time for children to come forward and have a lesson and conversation with the pastor, afterwards elementary age children may participate in a Bible Basics class by exiting through the back of the room. Middle School and High School students can also participate in youth group led by our youth and justice intern. You can pick them up in their classroom after the gathering ends.


Green | 10:30 am | Sundays

Harmony Springs Christian Church

3891 S Arlington Rd.

Uniontown, OH 44685

(330) 899-9785


Mail to:

PO Box 428

Uniontown, OH 44685

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